Monday, March 16, 2009

Confession of an Internet Thief

Is it really stealing when all you're doing is catching the internet waves that are floating through YOUR air? I mean, is it MY fault that my computer started picking up some random wireless internet?

So, I've been, ah, mooching internet from my housal air waves for a little while. (The first step is admittance, right?)

If you're wondering why I've been neglecting my blog (I KNOOOW all my "followers" are DEVASTATED that they've been out of my life loop for almost a month or so)...
it is because I got home one evening to Jeff sitting on the couch....

"We don't have any internet."
"What? There must be a mistake. You're lying. I can't live without internet. Nooooo!" says I. (dramatized)

Sure enough, all wireless internets are now set to "Security Enabled Network."

And to add insult to injury, the once "Unsecured networks" were freshly labeled:

"OMG HaCkeRS on StERoIDZ" and "getyourowninternet"

Hhaahahaha. I couldn't help but laugh through my anger. :)
But seriously, how DARE they take away my freedom to capture THEIR paid-for internet waves as they float through MY home? Whatever. We're moving (blog to follow soon), and I suppose we WILL "getourowninternet."

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha - you're right, step one is admitting you have a problem. I guess instead of blogging you should probably be packing anyway. But we'll look forward to seeing you regularly as soon as you're settled in the new place! xoxo
